LINKS       website that helps therapists get matched to compatible clients        database of licensed mental health practitioners       extensive list of self-help resources     self improvement and personal growth resources, including articles and  extensive links   resources for mental health, wellness, and family and relationship issues.     Dutch website for educators and psychologists
Masters of Psychology     resource for students to find in-depth information about obtaining a Masters degree in
            psychology with links to accredited psychology programs around the country.
Planet Psych     therapist directory and online resource for mental health information
Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis          institute in Los Angeles area offering training in             
           psychoanalysis and psychotherapy based on contemporary theoretical approaches  
Self Psychology Page       dedicated to discussion, information, and communication regarding Heinz Kohut's 
           psychoanalytic psychology of the self and contemporary developments
American Psychological Association     scientific and professional organization that            represents psychology in the United States. With 150,000 members, APA is the largest association         of psychologists worldwide   information about psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and special topics such as anxiety disorders
Psych Central     comprehensive directory of online psychology and mental health resources       online resource for professionals in psychology and psychiatry
Counseling HQ      information website focused on counseling
Therapy and Treatment     resource for therapy and treatment programs, professionals, hard to find specialty
           products, services training and information
Psychology Directory      comprehensive source for mental health information and psychology resources
Guide to Psychology and Its Practice       comprehensive guide to clinical psychology topics
To add a link this page, please email:
       with your request and add a reciprocal link to your website
Psyche Matter     psychoanalytic resource guide, including extensive links and online articles
Psychoanalytic Center of California      institute in Los Angeles area offering training in psychoanalysis and
           psychoanalytic psychotherapy emphasizing the study of early states of mind and their impact on development
Wright Institute Los Angeles     psychoanalytic psychotherapy training program and low-fee clinic in Los Angeles
Psychotherapy and Counseling    Wichita Counseling and Coaching Center provides experienced, private   
           counseling, and psychotherapy in Wichita, KS
Self Help Zone       complete source of information on self help, self improvement, and personal growth
Enhanced Healing     relaxation music, positive affirmations, and online couneling for reducing stress and anxiety,
          promoting health, wellness and healing, and improving self-esteem
AllCare Behavioral Health Services     free online mental health resources
Free Mental Health Resources    extensive collection of free mental health resources
International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology   organization that promotes the                   advancement of self psychology
Aging2K     organization dedicated to therapy, psychological advice, and other healing modalities for the aging population.
Divorce Therapy   Los Angeles based psychologist/attorney team dedicated to helping people obtain a healthy divorce 
      addressing the emotional and legal aspects of divorce, using the tools of negotiation, mediation, psychotherapy,
      and collaborative law.

Theravive      Marriage Counseling & Therapist Network         depression resource guide
Behavioral Associates    NewYork psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers specializing in cognitive                        behavioral therapy.
Rick Hanson, Ph.D     website for the author's book, Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom
LA Sound Healing      sound waves emitted from tuning forks and a bath of  crystal bowls, gong, drums, rtc., often      
           assist in releasing blocked emotions and aiding awareness, making it a very helpful supplement to psychotherapy
Addiction Resource   volunteer-run organization guiding individuals through every step of the addiction treatment & 
       recovery process.
Best    Best online programs for Master's in Psychhology & Counseling                     
Life Coach Spotter   website that helps you find the best life coach for guidance, motivation, and support in finding
           your true purpose and path in life.
TypologyCentral    Website focused on testing, evauluating, and discussing personality types     comprehensive information hub with an extensive focus on education and labor trends in mental health