*Regular Fee:   $125 per session

* Sliding Scale Fees:  Available to clients who can't afford the regular fee per session

                         Range:   $60 and up depending on financial situation



* Reduced Fee Referrals:   Sliding scale fees of psychotherapy clinics in Los Angeles vary,
                                                      but typically are between $10 to $75 per session. Therapists
                                                      at these clinics are pre-licensed interns.

    Wright Institute Los Angeles:  424/ 371-5191

     Maple Counseling Center:  310/ 271-9999

     Open Paths Counseling Center:  310/398-7877

     Valley Community Clinic:   818/ 763-2084

     The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Counseling Center:  310/ 481-5900

     Airport Marina Counseling Center:  310/ 670-1410

    Reiss-Davis Child Study Center:  310/ 204-1666

     Saturday Center for Psychotherapy:  310/ 829-7997

     Southern California Counseling Center:  323/ 937-1344

     Los Angeles Free Clinic:   323/ 653-1990

     Hollywood-Sunset Free Clinic:   323/ 661-0718

* Low Cost Psychiatric/Medication Referral:

     Exodus Urgent Care Center:  310/ 253-9494

     Mission City Community Clinic:  323/ 644-7884

     LA County USC Medical Center Psychiatric Emergency:  323/ 226-7085